Thursday, April 15, 2010

Cannonball Read 2 #27: The Tommyknockers by Stephen King

I have made clear several times on this blog that I love Stephen King. I cut him a lot of slack--I've found SOMETHING to enjoy in every book of his that I've read...except this one.

It took me three attempts to finally plow my way through The Tommyknockers. The damn thing is SO DULL and almost nothing interesting happens during the first 2/3 of the book (and 2/3 of a book that size is a significant number of pages to wade through.) The main characters did not capture my interest at all, nor did any of the peripheral characters (no, I take that back, I did enjoy the lady sheriff during her brief appearance). The "big reveal" was nothing to write home about. The plot, frankly, was kind of dumb and the ending was...well, let's just say it was a Stephen King ending through and through.

I was not spooked, not entertained, not interested by this book. I would advise avoiding this one.

1 comment:

Jen K said...

Is this the one where the town digs out an alien space ship? Yeah, that was definitely one of the weaker ones. Any character you might become interested in loses their personality before they really start mattering . . .

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